October 30, 2007

Don't Skype on the street

Note to self and others, I don’t suggest using Skype while sitting in an ally outside the Internet cafe. Not only do people stare, which who really cares about, but apparently it’s tabou.

I left the Internet cafe initially so I wouldn’t be rude, while excitedly talking to my Phillippine-endeavored friend, Alli. I didn’t really mind the googling eyes, cause I was excited to finally use Skype. It was the random lady who approached me telling me I shouldn’t be sitting there using the computer, later explaining that I would get robbed that way. I guess that’s possible, but it was in complete daylight, right next to Forum, the French equivalent to Barnes and Noble.

I guess all in all she was being helpful, after inquiring if I was both from “here” and if I was sitting outside because I didn’t have enough money to use the cafe wifi. Who knows. I’ve learned my lesson though and felt royally awkward passing her later that day in the street, where we very briefly met eyes.

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