October 31, 2007

An attempt at Halloween

For 3 years now, they’ve tried to adopt Halloween here in France. Unfortunately, it hasn’t really caught on. Some kids go trick or treating and they sell more candy or “bonbons” in the supermarket, but it definitely lacks the mass appeal that exists in the States.

Before starting a 2 week vacation after only 2 weeks of work, I also taught all my classes about Halloween. While adorning some elf ears, I will admit I bought last year after Halloween, I had the kids go trick or treating for lines to the Halloween poem “trick or treat, trick or treat. give me something good to eat...” I conveniently changed the end of the poem from “i’ll pull down your underwear” to “i’ll just give you one big scare.” I didn’t want to have to explain that one in French. Low and behold the activity went pretty well, some teachers smiled along the way and were interested, while a select few others seemed annoyed by the candy circulating the room. Oh well!

For my Halloween celebration, a must have as I’m oddly enthralled by the holiday, I met up with another assistant, Natalie and we carved pumpkins while gorging ourselves on crepes and candycorn (graciously sent from mom & dad Myers). Thank goodness they placed pumpkins around Montbéliard for decoration. I didn’t know where I was going to find a nice big one this year. Not bad right?

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